
圣诞歌 The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot

这是我非常喜爱的一首圣诞歌曲. The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot (被圣诞老人遗忘的小男孩).每年的圣诞节, 我一定要听听这支歌曲, 让他提醒我佳节期间, 别忽略了比我们更不幸的一群人.

He's the little boy that Santa Claus forgot. And goodness knows, he didn't want a lot.
He sent a note to Santa for some soldiers & drum, it broke his little heart when he found Santa hadn't come.
In the streets he envies all those lucky boys, then wanders home to last year's broken toys.
I'm so sorry for that laddy, he hasn't got a daddy....the little boy that Santa Claus forgot.

You know, Christmas comes but once a year, for every little girl & boy.
The laughter & the joy they find in each brand new toy.
I'll tell you of a little boy that lives across the way, this little fella's Christmas is just another day.
He's the little boy that Santa Claus forgot...
And goodness knows he didn't want a lot.


他给圣诞老人写了一张字条, 向圣诞老人要了一个玩具兵和鼓.
可是, 当小男孩发现圣诞老人根本没有出现,他非常伤心失望.
小男孩看着街上其他的小朋友都有玩具, 唯独他什么也没有. 
每年一度的圣诞佳节, 每一项玩具都给它们的小主人带来无限欢乐, 
不过对这个小男孩来说, 圣诞节只是普通的一天罢了!

这是黑人歌手Nat King Cole演唱的一首感人的圣诞歌曲.

2 条评论:

匿名 说...


H T 说...

That's a very sad song :'(